The tests listed here were all passing at the moment of the release.
Admin User
Agent list xlet
CEL webservice
CTI Client Configuration
CTI Profile
CTI Server
CTI User
Call Log Generation
Call Log access via Webi
Configuration Files
Configuration file
Core dump
Directed pickup
General Settings
General Settings SIP
IAX general parameters
IPBX count
Parking extensions
PostInstall Files
Provd Proxy
Queue Member xlet
REST API Call logs consultation
REST API Devices
REST API Extensions
REST API Link user with a line and extension
REST API Voicemails
SCCP General
SCCP function keys
User Import
WEBI Agent Stats
WEBI Queue Stats
XIVO Agent
Xlet identity
Admin User
Add an admin user with limited access
Add an agent with first name and last name and remove it
Agent modification
Agent search
Agent group
Agent list xlet
Status since indicator changes when an agent logs in
Status since indicator changes when an agent receives a call from a queue
Status since indicator changes when an agent receives an internal call
Command core reload
Reloading module chan_sccp does not leak a file descriptor
Create backup file
Backup and restore database
CEL webservice
Access to the webservice
CTI Client Configuration
Bad server address
Bad server port
Show/Hide agent option on login screen
Client doesn't crash after disconnecting
Enable/Disable menu availability
Enable/Disable start systrayed
Enable/Disable auto reconnect
Enable/Disable connect at startup
Enable/Disable multiple instances
CTI Profile
Start XiVO Client without any services enabled
Edit Xlet list without restart cti server
Show/Hide profile of configuration
Launch CtiClient with a profile
CTI Server
Default Services Activated
CTI User
Start XiVO Client with a new user
Call Log Generation
Generation of answered internal call
Generation of non-answered internal call
Generation of answered incoming call
Generation of answered outgoing call
Generation of originate call
Generation for a specified latest CEL count with no processed calls
Generation for a specified latest CEL count with processed calls
Running call log generation in parallel should fail
Generation of complete calls only
Generation of partially processed calls
Call Log access via Webi
Request call logs with start date but no end date
Add a callfilter
Deactivating a boss deletes the func key
Call to inexistant extension
Call to existant extension with answer
Call with extension call recording activated
Create a certificate with invalid info
Create a certificate for SIP TLS
Creating a certificate for the CTI server
Configuration Files
Add a configuration file
Configuration file
CTI Conf Generation
Core dump
Generate core dump with a distinctive name
update files are present
DHCP not monitored after wizard executed
DHCP monitored after enable it
DHCP not monitored after disable it
Creating a campaign
Editing a campaign
Deleting a campaign
Creating a campaign with an empty name
Creating a campaign with a start date greater than the end date
Creating two campaigns with the same name
Directed pickup
Pickup a call
Pickup a call coming from a group
Pickup a call coming from an incoming call
Create a directory from CSV file
Create a CTI directory definition from CSV file
Create a CTI directory definition from UTF-8 CSV file
Reverse lookup in a directory definition from UTF-8 CSV file
Search for a contact without a line
Search for a contact with special characters in his name
Search for a contact in a SSL LDAP directory
Search for a contact in a LDAP server with a custom filter
Search for a contact in a LDAP server with special characters
Search for a contact in a LDAP server with an active directory username
Search for a contact in a LDAP server with invalid credentials
Search for a contact with an inactive LDAP server
Search for a contact with a LDAP server shut down
Call a contact in the directory
Add a long file name
List g722 asterisk moh sound
Recording meetme
General Settings
Enable/Disable live reload configuration
General Settings SIP
Global Encryption
ISDN compatibility
Add a group with name and number and remove it
Cannot add a group with a name general
IAX general parameters
Toggle Shrink caller ID
Toggle SRV lookup
Add and remove a call limit
IPBX count
Show active sip trunk
Add an incall with DID and remove it
Search an incall
Add LDAP Server
Add LDAP Filter
Add a custom line with 127 characters
Add a SIP line and remove it
See IPBX infos in line page with accent in callerid
Choose custom SIP codec
Edit SIP line with no modifications
Add custom SIP codec to user line
Edit custom SIP line without changing anything
Remove custom SIP codec from user line
Add 2 custom SIP codecs to user line
Remove a single custom SIP codec from user line
All conference rooms show up in CTI client
PIN Code for a conference room shows up in the CTI client
Add a conference room
Add a conference room with max participants set to 0
Add an outcall
Remove an outcall
Add an extension in outcall
Remove an extension in outcall
Edit an outcall and change the context
Parking extensions
Change parking settings
Search for a contact in the phonebook
Import phonebook entries from a CSV file
Case insensitive search for a contact
Phonebook is sorted by display name
Phonebook searches using SSL LDAP connection
Phonebook searches using multiple filters
Phonebook searches LDAP using multiple attributes in display name
Phonebook searches LDAP using multiple attriburtes in phone number
Phonebook searches LDAP using a custom filter
Phonebook searches LDAP using special characters
Phonebook searches LDAP even when inactive
Phonebook searches LDAP even when shut down
PostInstall Files
Asterisk Voicemail Directory
Sound Files Installed
Asterisk Owns Dahdi
Asterisk MOH files Permission
Log Rotate Backup Files
Asterisk Max File Descriptors
Debian sources list points on right mirrors
Add a CTI profile
Remove a CTI profile that is associated with a user
Provd Proxy
Configure a proxy
Update plugins in provd
Aastra switchboard plugin language installation
Queue Member xlet
No selected queue
Enable and Disable Hide Unlogged Agents
Add queue named with non-ASCII characters
Cannot add queue named general
Queue strategy ring linear
Add an unlogged agent to a new queue
Add a logged agent to a new queue
Add a logged agent to a new queue and answer a call
Delete a queue with logged agents
Add an unlogged agent to an existing queue
Remove an unlogged agent from an existing queue
Add a logged agent to an existing queue
Add a logged agent to an existing queue and answer a call
Remove a logged agent from an existing queue
REST API Call logs consultation
List call logs
List call logs with CSV separator inside fields
List call logs in a period with missing end parameters
List call logs in a period with missing start parameters
List call logs in a period with empty start parameter
List call logs in a period with empty end parameter
List call logs in a period with start greater than end
List call logs in a period
REST API Devices
Create a device with no parameters
Create a device with one parameter
Create a device with an invalid ip address
Create a device with an invalid mac address
Create a device with ip and mac
Create 2 devices with same mac
Create 2 devices with the same ip address
Create a device with a plugin that doesn't exist
Create a device with a plugin
Create a device with a config template that doesn't exist
Create a device with a config template
Create a device with all parameters
Synchronize a device
Edit a device with no parameters
Edit a device with ip and mac
Edit a device by adding new parameters
Edit a device with an invalid mac
Edit a device with a mac that already exists
Edit a device with an invalid ip
Edit a device with a template that does not exist
Edit a device with a custom template
Edit a device with a plugin that does not exist
Edit a device with a plugin
Get a device that doesn't exist
Get a device that exists
Device list with minimum 2 devices
Search for a device
Search for a device with pagination
Sorted device list
Paginated device list
Device list ordered and paginated
Reset to autoprov a device
Associate line to a device
Remove line to a device
Delete a device
Delete a device that doesn't exist
Delete a device associated to a line
REST API Extensions
Extension list with no extensions
Extension list with one extension
User link list by extension_id with no link
User link list by extension_id with 1 user
User link list by extension_id with 2 users
Get an extension that does not exist
Get an extension
Creating an empty extension
Creating an extension with an empty number
Creating an extension with an empty context
Creating an extension with only the number
Creating an extension with only the context
Creating an extension with invalid parameters
Creating a commented extension
Creating an extension that isn't commented
Creating an extension in user range
Creating an extension in group range
Creating an extension in queue range
Creating an extension in conference room range
Creating an extension in incall range
Creating an alphanumeric extension
Creating twice the same extension
Creating two extensions in different contexts
Creating an extension with a context that doesn't exist
Creating an extension outside of context range
Editing an extension that doesn't exist
Editing an extension with parameters that don't exist
Editing the exten of a extension
Editing an extension with an exten outside of context range
Editing the context of a extension
Editing the extension with a context that doesn't exist
Editing the exten, context of a extension
Editing a commented extension
Delete an extension that doesn't exist
Delete an extension
Delete an extension still has a link
Line list with no lines
User link list by line_id no line
User link list by line_id with 1 user
User link list by line_id with 2 users
REST API Link user with a line and extension
Create an empty link
Create a link with empty parameters
Create a link with invalid values
Create a link with invalid parameters
Create a link with a missing line id
Create link with an extension that doesn't exist
Create link with a line that doesn't exist
Create link with a user that doesn't exist
Create a link
Create a link in another context
Associate 3 users to the same line/extension
Create a link with a provision device
Link 2 users to a line
Link a user already associated to a line
Provision a device for 2 users
Link a second user after provisioning a device
Create a link with a provision device and update user callerid
Delete a user link that doesn't exist
Delete secondary user
Delete a secondary user after provisioning a device
Delete main user
Delete main user after provisioning a device still has a secondary user
Get a SIP line
Create an empty SIP line
Create a line with an empty context
Create a line with an empty device_slot
Create a line with an invalid device_slot
Create a line with a context that doesn't exist
Create a line with invalid parameters
Create a line with a context
Create a line with an internal context other than default
Create 2 lines in same context
Editing a line_sip that doesn't exist
Editing a line_sip with parameters that don't exist
Editing the username of a line_sip
Editing the context of a line_sip
Editing a line_sip with a context that doesn't exist
Editing the callerid of a line
Editing the username, context, callerid of a line_sip
Delete a line that doesn't exist
Delete a line
Delete an line still has a link
User list with no users
User list with one user
User list with two users
User list ordered by lastname, then firstname
User search with no users
User search with an empty filter
User search with a filter that returns nothing
User search using the firstname
User search using the lastname
User search using the firstname and lastname
User search with 2 users
Getting a user that doesn't exist
Getting a user that exists
Creating an empty user
Creating a user with paramters that don't exist
Creating a user with a firstname and parameters that don't exist
Creating a user with a firstname
Creating two users with the same firstname
Creating a user with a firstname, lastname, description and userfield
Editing a user that doesn't exist
Editing a user with parameters that don't exist
Editing the firstname of a user
Editing the lastname of a user
Editing the firstname, lastname and userfield of a user
Deleting a user that doesn't exist
Deleting a user
Deleting a user still has a link
List the links associated to a user with no links
List the links associated to a user
REST API Voicemails
Get a voicemail that doesn't exist
Get a voicemail
Get a voicemail with all parameters
Voicemail list
Voicemail list with invalid order parameter
Voicemail list with invalid direction parameter
Voicemail list with invalid limit parameter
Voicemail list with order
Voicemail list with order and direction
Voicemail list with limit
Voicemail list with skip and ordering
Voicemail list with pagination and ordering
Voicemail list with search
Voicemail list with search, pagination and ordering
Creating an empty voicemail
Creating a voicemail with parameters that don't exist
Creating a voicemail with a name and parameters that don't exist
Creating two voicemails with the same number and context
Creating a voicemail with a invalid password
Creating a voicemail with a non existent context
Creating a voicemail with a non existent language
Creating a voicemail with a non existent timezone
Creating a voicemail with a invalid parameter max_messages
Creating a voicemail with a invalid parameter number
Creating a voicemail with required fields
Creating a voicemail with all fields
Creating two voicemails with the same number but different context
Delete a voicemail that does not exist
Delete a voicemail associated to nothing
Delete a voicemail associated to a user with a SIP line
Delete a voicemail associated to a user with a SCCP line
Delete a voicemail associated to an incoming call
Edit a voicemail that does not exist
Edit a voicemail with parameters that don't exist
Edit a voicemail with a name and parameters that don't exist
Edit two voicemails with the same number and context
Edit a voicemail with a invalid password
Edit a voicemail with a non existent context
Edit a voicemail with a non existent language
Edit a voicemail with a non existent timezone
Edit a voicemail with a invalid parameter max_messages
Edit a voicemail with a invalid parameter number
Edit a voicemail with required fields
Edit a voicemail with all fields
Edit two voicemails with the same number but different context
SCCP General
Enable directmedia
Disable directmedia
Change dial timeout
Change language
SCCP function keys
Reorder SCCP function keys
Remove closed hour
Remove opened hour
xivo-calleridname variable on agent linked
Variables on link event to a User
Variables on link event to a Queue
Variables on link event to a Group
Variables on dial event to group
Sheet distribution of link event to a Queue
Sheet distribution of link event to a Group
Sheet distribution of dial event to a Queue
Sheet distribution of link event to a Queue agent answers
Sheet distribution of link event to a Queue agent does not answer
Sheet distribution of dial event to a User
db-variables on reverse lookup in a directory definition
Add a skill rule with one rule
Add a skill rule with more than one rule
Generation of event FULL
Generation of event ABANDON
Generation of event CONNECT
Generation of event RINGNOANSWER
Generation of event ENTERQUEUE
Generation of event JOINEMPTY
Generation of event AGENTCALLBACKLOGIN
Logoff when not logged in
Generation of event COMPLETECALLER
Generation of event COMPLETEAGENT
Generation of event LEAVEEMPTY
Generation of event CLOSED
Generation of event EXITWITHTIMEOUT
Generate corrupt stats with EXITWITHTIMEOUT event
Generation of event PAUSEALL and UNPAUSEALL
Generation of event WRAPUPSTART
Search transfer destination in phonebook
Search mobile number of transfer destination
Delete user while searching mobile number transfer destination
Search transfer destination in ldap server
Search transfer location in ldap server
Search transfer destination with 2 columns from ldap
Search transfer destination both in internal directory and ldap
Search transfer destination in ldap with 2 numbers
Search transfer destination with an arbitrary number
Add a trunkcustom
Remove a trunkcustom
Add a trunkiax
Remove a trunkiax
Add a trunksip
Remove a trunksip
Enable XiVO Client
Add a user with first name and last name and remove it
Add a user in a group
Add user with function keys
Add user with SIP line and remove it
Add user with SCCP line and remove it
Add user with SIP line and device and remove it
Find a user by line number
Update a user
Update the group's channel type of a user
Update a user with SIP line
Add a voicemail to a user without a line
Add a voicemail to an existing user
Delete user
Delete user in group
Delete user in queue
Delete line from user with voicemail
User Import
Import user from CSV file
Import user from CSV file enablexfer is enabled by default
Import user from CSV file enablexfer field
Import user with voicemail from CSV file
Import user with voicemail and incall from CSV file
Import user with full infos from CSV file
WEBI Agent Stats
Generate stats for answered calls
Generate stats for total conversation time
Generate stats for total login time
Two login session during the same hour
Login before the hour logout during the hour
Login before the day logout after the day
Generate stats twice
Login during the hour logout after the hour
Generate stats for total pause time
last Pause in QueueLog without Unpause
Generate stats for total wrapup time
WEBI Queue Stats
Generate stats for received/abandoned calls
Generate stats for received/answered calls
Generate stats for received/blocking calls
Generate stats for closed queue
Generate stats for saturated calls
Successfull completion of the wizard and a login
XIVO Agent
xivo-agentd reconnects when asterisk restarts
Xlet identity
Display identity infos
Display voicemail icon and number
Display agent icon and number